Mis hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,
Los invito a que me acompañen al evento más grande del año en la Diócesis de San Ángelo — nuestro Congreso Eucarístico Diocesano en español. Se llevará a cabo el sábado, 26 de octubre en Midland.
My brothers and sisters in Christ,
I invite you to join me for the biggest event of the year in the Diocese of San Angelo — our Diocesan Eucharistic Congress in Spanish. It will take place on Saturday, Oct. 26, in Midland.
The Catholic Diocese of San Angelo is trying to reach Trevor Dare Mims concerning an important matter regarding their rights in the Church. If you are this person or know where this person lives, please contact the Tribunal by telephone at 325-651-7500 ext. 137 or by email at [email protected].
The Catholic Charitable Foundation
for the Roman Catholic Diocese of San
Angelo awarded $151,454 in grants to support 33 Catholic organizations in the San
Angelo diocese. Grants to parishes,
schools, and ministries included awards to
repair buildings and air conditioning systems; purchase liturgical vestments, educational resources, and appliances; and
improve utilities and security systems.
The community of Loraine had no Catholic Church in 1915 when Antonio Pantoja
traveled to Abilene, the nearest place a priest
could be found, to request Mass.
Along with the Catholic Church worldwide, we celebrate on Sept. 29 the World Day of Migrants and Refugees. Established over a century ago by the Holy See, this day is an opportunity to reflect on the migration experience through the light of faith. In Matthew 25:35, 40, Jesus says, "I was a stranger and you welcomed me. ... Whatever you did for one of these least brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." On this day, reflect on the many gifts that our immigrant brothers and sisters bring to our country and to our Church.
El Domingo del Sacerdocio es un día especial que se reserva cada año para reafirmar el papel del sacerdocio en la iglesia de los Estados Unidos. Se celebra el último domingo de septiembre, que este año será el 29 de septiembre. Este día honra a los sacerdotes, sin los cuales no se podrían celebrar la Misa y la mayoría de los demás sacramentos.
Priesthood Sunday is a special day set aside each
year to affirm the role of the priesthood in the church in
the United States. It is celebrated on the last Sunday of
September, which will be September 29 this year. This
day honors priests, without whom the Mass and most
other sacraments could not be celebrated.
Coyanosa is a small community in the
desert of Pecos County. The only church of
any denomination in town is St. Isidore
Catholic Mission. From the corner where
the church sits, you can see the headquarters of the volunteer fire department,
the public library, and the community
center, all within half a block or so. The
population of Coyanosa is about 150. In a
standing-room-only Mass on the evening
of Saturday, Aug. 24, it seemed the whole
town and more had gathered to worship at
the church and later feast in the new Pecos
County Coyanosa Community Center.
The Catholic Church recognizes that parents are the primary educators of their children. Whether children attend a Catholic or other private school, are homeschooled, or attend public school, parents have the right and responsibility to direct their children’s education.
The Saint Pio Foundation has selected the Diocese of Fort Worth to host one of five regional shrines in the U.S. for the devotion and veneration of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, commonly known as “Padre Pio.”
The Rev. Msgr. Larry J. Droll Scholarship, worth $2,000, will be awarded to Catholic lay men or women pursuing graduate degrees in theology or religious studies and in need of tuition assistance.