If you are a trained and mandated advocate of the Tribunal of San Angelo, you are invited to attend one of three courses which will serve to update you on recent developments and procedures in marriage law.
For the benefit of the people of God in West Texas, Bishop Michael J. Sis announces the following changes in priest assignments in the Diocese of San Angelo:
Las obras de misericordia corporales son de suma importancia para la práctica de la fe católica. Están arraigados en las Escrituras y en la práctica constante de la iglesia. Animo a todos los seguidores de Jesús a practicar con frecuencia estos actos de caridad y compasión.
The corporal works of mercy are of utmost importance to the practice of the Catholic faith. They are rooted in Scripture and in the constant practice of the church. I encourage all followers of Jesus to practice these acts of charity and compassion often.