A standing ovation–make that a rousing standing ovation–isn’t something that’s often experienced in a Roman Catholic Mass. But Sunday, June 27, was special. And admirers of Msgr. Frederick G. Nawarskas, better known as “Father Fred,” made sure he knew it. It was Father Fred’s last Sunday as pastor of Holy Family Catholic Church and the congregation wanted him to go out with a bang–or at least a rousing standing ovation.
by Arzobispo José Gomez, presidente de Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos
La semana pasada, mis hermanos obispos y yo votamos abrumadoramente para publicar un documento educativo sobre la belleza y el poder de la Eucaristía. El Comité de Doctrina de la Conferencia Episcopal comenzará a redactar ahora este documento y, en los meses venideros, los obispos continuaremos orando y discerniendo sobre eso a través de una serie de reuniones y consultas regionales. En noviembre, los obispos se reunirán para discutir el borrador del documento.
Last week, my brother bishops and I voted overwhelmingly to issue a teaching document on the beauty and power of the Eucharist. The doctrine committee of the bishops’ conference will now begin drafting this document and, in the months ahead, the bishops will continue our prayer and discernment through a series of regional meetings and consultations. In November, the bishops will gather to discuss the document draft.