In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized person is sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit and is strengthened for service to the Body of Christ. In the Latin Church, it is customarily received between the age of reason (about seven years of age) and about the age of sixteen. The usual minister of the sacrament is the bishop, but in some circumstances it is a priest who has received from the bishop the faculty to confirm.
Preparation for Confirmation is offered through local parishes.
Parishes schedule Confirmation liturgies through the bishop's office.
The Diocese of San Angelo also offers Adult Confirmation liturgies every year.
For Adult Confirmation, candidates are to receive their catechesis at the parish level. A suggested resource for this catechesis is The United States Catholic Catechism for Adults (USCCA), which is available in English and Spanish. An additional resource is The Readers Journal for the USCCA. This resource, provided in English and Spanish, is a companion to the USCCA and expands on the topics of each chapter of the USCCA.