Mauricio Romero was ordained a transitional deacon Dec. 14, 2024, at Holy Redeemer Parish in OdessaSee more photos!
Hanukkah candle-lighting ceremonyCathedral of the Sacred Heart, Dec. 30. 2024
St. Margaret of Cortona, Big Lake75th anniversary of parish and dedication of OLG grottoSee more photos!
St. Joseph Mission in Lorainecelebrated 100 years since the dedication of their church with Mass and fellowship Aug. 25, 2024.More photos!
Catholic Daughters of the AmericasCourt Santa Angela #1736 prayed together at their annual garage sale Aug. 3, 2024.
St. Isidore Mission, CoyanosaAltar dedication, Aug. 24, 2024More photos!
Como católicos en la Diócesis de San
Ángelo, estamos conectados de diversas
maneras con nuestros hermanos católicos
por todo el mundo, en los Estados Unidos,
en el estado de Texas, y en nuestra región. La
organización principal que sirve para conectar a todas las diócesis de nuestro estado se
llama la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos
de Texas.
As Catholics in the Diocese of San
Angelo, we are connected in various ways
to our fellow Catholics around the world,
in the U.S., in the state of Texas, and in our
region. The principal organization that
serves to connect all the dioceses in our
state is called the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops.
The bishops of Texas will continue to work with governmental officials and other people of good will to implement policies that recognize the dignity of every person, prioritize family unity, and address the root causes of forced migration, while respecting the right and responsibility of our country to secure its borders, regulate immigration in an orderly process, maintain the rule of law, and keep its communities safe and peaceful.
This week, Congress will vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Please act now to tell your senators and representatives to vote “Yes” on this bill.
Monsignor Robert N. Bush passed away at the age of 81 on January 17, 2025, in Abilene, Texas. Services will be held at Sacred Heart Church in Abilene and Sacred Heart Cathedral in San Angelo. Click for full details.
This morning it was announced that Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Joe Vásquez as the next Archbishop of Galveston-Houston. Bishop Vásquez is currently serving as the Bishop of Austin and was originally ordained a priest for the Diocese of San Angelo.
Wildfires are currently ravaging Los Angeles and other areas of California. Your contributions can help families recover after the fires pass.
Make an emergency donation to Catholic Charities USA today to help provide lifesaving resources. 100% of your gift will be sent where it's needed most.
The Catholic Diocese of San Angelo is trying to reach Wesley Laroide Ghiraldello concerning an important matter regarding their rights in the Church, on or before Nov. 27. If you are this person or know where this person lives, please contact the Tribunal by telephone at 325-651-7500 ext. 137 or by email at [email protected].